The organization “Save the Children”, volunteer centre coordinated by Mrs. Ina Lolescu, sent two young volunteers in our school who talked to the students in two classes about the volunteer work, the reasons for which they chose to be volunteers and the benefits on a personal level of such an activity.
Mrs. Cristina Bălteanu from the Romanian “Red Cross” Society presented at class V B the objectives of this organization and some of the projects initiated by this NGO: “Banca de alimente” (Food Bank) and the competition ,,Sanitarii priceputi”(The Skillful Doctors).
Mrs. Cristina Bălteanu from the Romanian “Red Cross” Society presented at class V B the objectives of this organization and some of the projects initiated by this NGO: “Banca de alimente” (Food Bank) and the competition ,,Sanitarii priceputi”(The Skillful Doctors).

Mrs. Colec Sînziana attended the National Conference “Mişcarea de voluntariat din Romania: Prezent şi perspective” (Volunteer Movement in Romania: Present and Perspectives), organized in Bucharest at the Ministry of Youth and Sports by “Pro Vobis NGO – National Volunteer Centre”. The objective of this conference was to make people better understand the volunteer movement in Romania and which are the strengths and the threats in working with volunteers.

Our school developed a campaign entitled “What is the change you want to be?” meant to collect goods for the educational centres “Save the Children”.

Our poster of campaign
Romania. October 23rd-24th, 2009
RăspundețiȘtergereMrs. Colec Sînziana attended the National Conference “Mişcarea de voluntariat din Romania: Prezent şi perspective” (Volunteer Movement in Romania: Present and Perspectives), organized in Bucharest at the Ministry of Youth and Sports by “Pro Vobis NGO – National Volunteer Centre”. The objective of this conference was to make people better understand the volunteer movement in Romania and which are the strengths and the threats in working with volunteers.
We met different NGO members involved in volunteer projects and we got better knowledge about what nonformal education means. Our school enlisted in a future NGO national platform that is going to develop projects for the European Year of Volunteering 2011.
On this occasion we met teachers from different schools and high schools in Romania who organized a series of activities related to volunteering and we managed to set up a partnership between our school and the Agriculture College “Valea Calugareasca” in Valea Calugareasca.