Applicant school(project co-ordinator): School no. 49, Vatra Luminoasa Street No 99,Sector 2,Bucharest,Romania
Partner school 2 :OS Djura Jaksic,Lenjinova Street No1, Zajecar,Serbia
Partner school 3: OU 1 'Georgy Bakalov',28 Podpolkovnik Kalitin Street,Stara Zagora,Bulgaria
Our project focuses on three stages:
A) to become familiar with the needs of the community we live in;
B) to get involved so as to be useful for the needy;
C) to promote volunteering through an effective information campaign.
By participating in this project, students will learn from experienced volunteers working for NGOs what volunteering means, which are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats involved in volunteer programmes. By passing through the three stages, students will develop activism skills, such as: problem solving and decision making techniques through their involvement in different social activities; awareness on the possibility to promote their actions through the organization of information campaigns; valorification of the information they acquire during the school activities. Moreover, the information campaign on volunteering we want to conduct is meant to influence and improve the perception of volunteer work at the community level, and it will be concretized in posting an electronic newspaper (e-paper) presenting aspects related to the students’ volunteer work and interviews with experienced volunteers working for NGOs, spreading out leaflets with PRO active citizenship messages, and making T-shirts, badges and posters promoting volunteering.