The organization “Save the Children”, volunteer centre coordinated by Mrs. Ina Lolescu, sent two young volunteers in our school who talked to the students in two classes about the volunteer work, the reasons for which they chose to be volunteers and the benefits on a personal level of such an activity.
Mrs. Cristina Bălteanu from the Romanian “Red Cross” Society presented at class V B the objectives of this organization and some of the projects initiated by this NGO: “Banca de alimente” (Food Bank) and the competition ,,Sanitarii priceputi”(The Skillful Doctors).
Mrs. Cristina Bălteanu from the Romanian “Red Cross” Society presented at class V B the objectives of this organization and some of the projects initiated by this NGO: “Banca de alimente” (Food Bank) and the competition ,,Sanitarii priceputi”(The Skillful Doctors).